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Wed 24. July: To Iringa, banking

We left Makambako later than we thought. Eli was delayed queuing at the bank to withdraw money to cover the expenses of our trip. This is one of the frustrating things in this country: It takes too much time to make money transactions. Just to withdraw money or make a bank payment can take up to several hours waiting in the queue. This is crazy. I still do not understand why this is the case, given todays possibilities with electronic banking, the fact that today good internet is available in every major town, and the obvious competency in the country with mobile networks. I am still waiting for a good explanation why e-banking with a 2-device system still isn’t available in Tanzania (eg. make the transaction on the e-form with the laptop, then wait for the authorization code to arrive on your mobile and enter that in the e-form on the laptop). Maybe I should ask Eli to take me to the bank manager of his branch in Daressalaam and ask a few questions…..
So we arrived in Iringa a bit late, and then we were treated for lunch again with the phantastic cooking of Jovitha, Elis wife. And during lunch we got the news, that Pessa Kussaga got a short-term contract for something and had to run off, so he can’t meet us tomorrow in Morogoro. Oh dear, another typical change in plans. So we decided to stay in Iringa and work there, and aim to reach Daressalaam tomorrow. That is such a great trip from Iringa down to Morogoro: 5 hours of beautiful landscape! From Moro to Dar is rather boring flat savannah until one reaches the coastal area with its palm gardens.

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